Dua Cards – Set Of 30 Cards



Size: 4×2.5 inch

Material: 300 gsm card paper


Dua before entering the toilet

Dua for seeking forgigeness from Allah

Dua when waking up

Dua when entering a marketplace/shop

Dua after completing wadhu

Dua when leaving mosque

Dua when entering mosque

Dua when leaving the house

Dua for anxiety and sorrow

Dua when in debt

Dua when encountering an enemy

Dua when in distress

Dua for one whose affairs have become difficult

Dua upon finishing a meal

Dua when visiting the sick

Dua for protection of Allah for children

Dua when afflicted by a calamity

Dua when visiting the graves

Dua upon hearing thunder

Dua for rain

Dua upon sigting the crescent moon

Dua for the newly wed

Dua for seeking protectiom of Allah from committing shirk


for seeking Allah’s help against an enemy

Dua for the one offering food/ drink

Dua for remembrance of Allah

Dua for seeking good in this world and in the hereafter

Dua when putting on a garment

Dua when buying a car

Dua to heal the afflicted by pain or a wound



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